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Birth Photography


Births are an incredible time of change for a family. There is nothing more precious to me than capturing you and your little one meeting, face to face, for the first time. I can't describe to you the great privilege that comes with being a birth photographer.

There are many questions that you may want to ask when deciding to book a birthing session, so let me try to break down the basics before we schedule our in-person consult, in order to go over the details of your birth plan, your preferences, and my policies.

I will be on-call for your little one's arrival from 38-42 weeks. When the first signs of labor set in, you will give me a call to let me know that you think you may be in labor. We will touch base, and get ready to meet your sweet little love! I will have you or a partner give me another call or send me a message when you are headed in to the hospital, and then one last call when your provider confirms active labor.

I will arrive at the hospital during active labor, and capture moments of labor support, the details, and the emotions in the room as your prepare for one of the most precious moments of your life.

Once it's time to deliver, I will strategically place myself out of the way of your provider, but in a good position to capture your little one, your reaction, and your labor partner's reaction. Different moms have different levels of comfort with what is captured, and that is absolutely ok. Don't want a crowning shot? No problem! Squeamish about the placenta? We'll skip that shot. We'll discuss at your consult what you would and would not like captured. Respecting your boundaries and privacy is my number one priority. If you change your mind, that's ok too!

Once your little one has arrived, I will stay for up to 1 hour post-delivery in order to capture you bonding with your new addition, all of his or her little features, and all those precious first weights/measures.

My mission as a birth photographer is to help make your birth experience a positive one. I am here to support you, tell your story, and help you to feel safe and respected in your birthing space. You do not have to share your images, and you can count on me to respect you, your family, your birth and your baby. All births are beautiful, and the right choice for your family is the one that you make. Lastly, you and your baby's safety will ALWAYS come first. I will always advocate for your images, but will never interfere with your provider's ability to keep you and baby healthy and safe during labor, delivery and postpartum cares.

I look forward to chatting with you about your new addition! Please book early, as I only take on 2-3 birth clients per month to ensure my ability to attend your baby's birth.

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